
Jul 22, 2022 by Foresight
Meet Our Account Managers - Harry
We sat down with Account Manager Harry, who works on our new business team. We asked him about his role, previous experience and what he enjoys about working at Foresight.
Hi Harry, Tell me a little about how your career at Foresight began?
I started at Speed Medical, a sister company, from here I found a passion for sales and believed that I wanted to make this a career so I asked a colleague if they could put me forward for a sales role and then Foresight came up and I thought it was ideal as I found the criminal and family sector fascinating.
So, what was your role at Speed Medical prior to working at Foresight?
I worked as an administrator for the commercial support team.
You said you find the criminal and family sectors fascinating; do you have any training or prior knowledge that helps with your role?
I’ve always enjoyed watching crime dramas and documentaries and knew I wanted to be involved in this sector somehow. I studied law at both GCSE and A Level but didn’t really fancy becoming a practicing solicitor or barrister. Working at Foresight gives me a great chance to work in something that really interests me, and every day is different.
What is a typical day like for you at Foresight?
I will start out by getting my emails up to speed, then I will try to work through any cases that I am still looking for an expert on. After that, I will begin contacting clients and checking in with them. After all this I usually have a full inbox which I will work through again. Each day I get to work with new experts and new clients, it’s so interesting seeing the intricacies of their cases and I work hard to ensure they receive the expert and support they need.
Sounds like you’re very busy! Can you tell us about your longest standing customer and how long have you worked with them?
Fieldings Porter are the client I have worked with for the longest. I have worked with them since I started back in November 2020. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know their team over the past two years, and they trust me to get the job done.
How do you ensure you maintain strong relationships with all your clients?
Communication is key! The main thing is to be transparent with the cases they have ongoing, keeping them up to date on ever stage whilst sticking to their strict timescales.
How many different customers do you work with at any given time?
As I’m working on the new business team, a lot of our cases can be from clients who only tend to send through 1 enquiry a month. So for me, I can be working with 20 different clients, sometimes more.
So that’s the clients, but what about the experts - How closely do you work with them?
We try to work as closely as possible with the experts on our panel. They are always happy to assist where they can, as they’re the ones with the in-depth knowledge. They will often point you in the right direction when or if it is needed. Its so fascinating to work with them, and I continue to learn from each and every one that I work with.
Sounds like you work very closely with both clients and experts. What are your main priorities and responsibilities as an account manager?
My main priority is to be the clients’ main point of contact, to be someone they know they can come to with any issue they may have. It is important that the client knows if they need an obscure expert, we will be able to help them.
Finally Harry, what is your favourite part of the job?
For me, I love watching the case progress from start to finish and being involved every step of the way, it’s really rewarding when you know you’ve been a part of it.
To find out more about the experts we can provide or to enquire about an expert fill in our enquiry form by clicking here and we’ll need to source the best expert witness for your criminal, family or immigration case.
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