
Aug 1, 2019 by Foresight
Outsourced Psychosocial Services
Why Psychosocial Services?
Foresight Clinical Services Ltd (FCS) is a national psychosocial services provider of specialists throughout the UK. We have a nationwide network in excess of 250 clinicians / practitioners with a wide range of specialism including medics, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors and social workers and many other different clinical specialists.
Our objective is to provide ‘innovative methods of psychosocial services that are of exceptional quality whilst delivered in a cost sensitive environment.’
Quite simply this means developing a clear, simple understanding of the psychosocial services that are required within a health environment and then delivering these in a manner where the clients’ needs are met and the quality of the psychosocial service is maintained at a high standard.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) drives the focus of all health services within the UK. The CQC ensures that hospitals, care homes and care services meet national standards set out to ensure patient safety and well-being.
FCS understands the importance of ensuring that any psychosocial service provided by them must adhere to CQC requirements and thus ensure that their partner organisations are able to confidently demonstrate their clinical provision meets the highest of national standards as set by the CQC. We would work closely with our purchasing organisations to ensure that service provision is always of the highest standard.
Through our nationwide network of clinical experts and practitioners we are able to offer a broad range of services. FCS can provide services such as mental health assessment / review reports such as to be used within mental health review tribunals.
What can FCS provide you?
FCS can offer individual therapy sessions or blocks of therapy. Our practitioners are able to offer a variety of group therapy programmes including anger management, motivational work or other more complex treatments.
FCS can also provide clinical supervision on both an individual or group basis, this being ideal in ensuring both the effectiveness of the service as well as the health and well being of the staff members involved. As we are all aware supervision is an essential component of any high quality service. FCS clinicians are also able to offer CPD training through our central office. Given the requirement for all health professionals to ensure their practice is up-to-date and informed CPD is an essential feature of any service. FCS wraps all of these services into the name – Resilient Futures.
Why would you consider using FCS?
The question has to be asked as to why an innovative approach such as this should be considered. We believe the answers are simple; the opportunities are great and valuable to any organisation.
Firstly by purchasing psychosocial services from FCS we can ensure that your business is highly responsive to an ever-changing market. Should you wish to grow and enhance the business moving into a new clinical area or even scale down a particular aspect of your business, FCS can react quickly and effectively to ensure that you’re able to meet your clinical requirements.
Secondly by purchasing psychosocial services from FCS you’ll be ensuring that your clinical provision will always have a practitioner who is skilled and knowledgeable in the required area. If your business wishes to provide individual psychotherapy, you’ll be purchasing an experienced individual psychotherapist with knowledge of providing one to one psychotherapeutic intervention. Alternatively if you’re seeking a stress management program or rehabilitative program to help clients move back into the community, by purchasing services through FCS you’ll be gaining an experienced clinician with all the skills, knowledge and expertise to ensure you receive exactly the service you require.
Thirdly the role of the Clinical Director is central within the FCS provision of services. It offers a closer working relationship with all our partner organisations and providers. This relationship ensures that FCS consistently and effectively meets the needs of our customers. We call this our ‘Consulting Clinical Director’ approach.
Finally, cost savings are an important element within any service provision. At FCS we believe there is an immediate saving of 20% if purchasing services rather than employing clinicians within an organisation. An evident economy of scale exists within any out sourced provision and further savings can be made dependent upon volume of purchased services.
Once the customer has decided to purchase psychosocial service products from FCS there is a need to understand the development process. Firstly there is a need for scoping and fact-finding to take place. The Consulting Clinical Director will liaise with key decision makers and stakeholders within the organisation and gain a thorough understanding of the clinical requirement(s). This will lead to an identification of services and a clear agreement between FCS and the client.
How does FCS provide your service?
Once a psychosocial service provision agreement is achieved, the service will be created and implemented. Clinical components will be then rolled out to the customer and monitored closely with regular contact with the Consulting Clinical Director and other members of FCS management team. There is an evident need for regular review meetings to enable adjustments / improvements to be made to the service.
FCS is keen to move forward with this innovative way of delivering complex clinical services. In the current climate where organisations are required to continue to provide high-quality services that meet client need whilst adhering to national standards directed by the CQC, it is essential that providers look for new and alternative ways of meeting these needs. Foresight Clinical Services can provide this new way – we call it Resilient Futures.
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